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Why do you take photographs?

Have you ever asked yourself why you photograph? It's a question that can be answered with a simple one-sentence answer until you start delving deeper. The answer then becomes increasingly complex and challenging to unravel. I've again undertaken this journey recently, and my answer is below.

Portrait of Paul Indigo by Magda Indigo. Thanks Magda!

I also reviewed my images over the last ten-plus years, selected 30 of my favourite photos, and compiled them into a slide show. This was a challenging task. My favourites change by the day, probably by the minute. Still, eventually, I got to a selection I titled "That's Life." Please click through to YouTube to view the full screen.

My approach to people and landscape photography is characterised by a distinctive blend of documentary and fine art techniques. I aim to create images that are both deeply personal and universally relatable. Through portraiture, I strive to showcase the broad spectrum of human experience. I also explore our perceptions and interactions with the landscape. My choice of subjects is eclectic, often focusing on individuals, allowing for a rich exploration of human narratives and emotions.

At the heart of my practice lies a multifaceted approach. I combine a deep interest in my subjects' stories with meticulous attention to aesthetic and compositional elements. This blend enables me to challenge and expand the boundaries of traditional portraiture, offering viewers a rich tapestry of human experience captured through my lens.

While it is important to form a connection with my subjects, my methodology also encompasses photographing people without direct engagement to capture fragments of life as it is lived.

I enjoy spending time with the people I photograph, having conversations, and listening to their stories, which helps to capture more intimate and revealing portraits. Subjects often reveal more of their true selves after becoming comfortable in my presence, a process that imbues my work with a sense of depth and authenticity that sets it apart.

My portraits transcend mere physical likeness to tell the stories of individuals, their lives, and the environments they inhabit. I carefully include elements in my compositions that hint at larger narratives, inviting viewers to ponder the stories behind the faces and settings. This narrative depth adds layers of meaning to my work, transforming my portraits into subjects that invite contemplation and empathy.

As always, your comments and feedback are hugely appreciated.

Paul Indigo

More images here.


Pat Rogers said…
Fascinating reading and methodology. What I know about the outcome of your photos is that I often learn something about myself in them because you photograph every person in a sense. So, if I look at the details there is a part of me in every picture. That and the color you bring to be the photo is always a key ingredient and in that detail you enrich my life. Can you tell? I’m a fan!
Thank you so much Pat. I aim to photograph "the human condition" and it is wonderful to read that you can relate to so many of my images.

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