Take this to the bank. A good freelance photographer can make all the difference between getting a press release published and having it disappear forever at the click of an editor's delete button. Why? Because the photograph that accompanies a press release often determines whether the story gets published. "A good freelancer is worth his/her weight in gold to a company. When we look at press releases the photograph is often the deciding factor whether we publish a story. We 're always looking for good pictures for the newspaper. That's where it starts. Sometimes a story which is not as strong may be chosen because there's a good picture. And once we have a good image in the library we may use it again for another story at a later date," I was told by the deputy business editor of a large newspaper. And he's the guy that makes that decision. Keep it or delete it. He fails to understand how time and again companies send in press releases
This blog is about Paul Indigo's views on life and photography.