Vincent shows a scale model of Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machine which he is working on. The model is as Da Vinci described with intricate joints, pulleys and wires designed to help the 'pilot' move the wings and tail to mimic a bird's movements in flight. Click on the image for a larger view.
Every photographer that has made remarkable work has used exactly the same three basic tools: light, a camera and their brain.
Remarkable photography has been produced by people using everything from shoebox pinhole cameras to toy cameras, to technical view cameras, through to the latest sophisticated digital cameras. Not having the latest lens or camera is no barrier to producing remarkable work.
Remarkable photography has been produced by photographers with very little time to spend on their photography, on weekends, evenings, during holidays or while engaged in other work. Being busy with lots of things is no barrier.
Remarkable photography has been produced by amateurs, enthusiasts and professionals. Labels don't mean anything.
Remarkable photography has been produced by photographers with very little money in all sorts of circumstances, in slums, living under oppressive regimes, anywhere and everywhere. Where you are and how much you earn is no barrier.
Given that light is everywhere and you can use any form of camera to produce remarkable work then the only barrier between you and making better images is what happens in your brain, your creativity and your drive to make meaningful images.
So there are no real barriers, no obstacles, no excuses. Scary right?
Till soon,
Check out my latest photo story...