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Showing posts from June, 2013

Master Series: Greg Heisler on Photography Techniques

Great feedback and lots of views on the Greg Heisler interview I posted last week so here's another one in the series. It's interesting that when photographers get to a certain age and have earned their stripes they say very similar things. Magda Indigo and I have always, from day one, fought to be as independent as possible from  being influenced by other photographers. You can admire other photographer's work but when it comes to your own work, the only way is to follow your own path. Greg Heisler eloquently  makes this point in the video. Learning from others is good. Slavishly copying or imitating the work of other's is not the path to take. Be original, be creative and Greg Heisler says, go in with your eyes wide open. Till soon, Paul

Inside advice for pro photographers

Renowned pro photographer Greg Heisler gives an insider's view on what it takes to make it and last in today's fast changing professional photography marketplace. This is a superb summary of the state of the business right now. Hope you enjoy it. Paul

On selling images

"You never know," says Magda Indigo on selling images. In this clip she tells a great story about how one of her images she least expected ended up on a book cover. Photographers often find themselves in a challenging position. In this case, low light and no tripod. At times like these good practical technique, experience and a 'just go for it' attitude are all required to make the image but what you'll really see shining through in this interview is  Magda Indigo's  passion for photography. After the work is done it's doubly rewarding when a publisher buys the image. Hope you enjoy it, Paul