An acquaintance asked me today how I approach photographing interiors. I emailed him with a view tips and thought that you may also be interested. So here goes. Obviously it's vital the room looks presentable and there's nothing distracting lying in view. A bouquet of flowers, a colourful cushion etc, can lift the room and provide a good focal point. Think of leading the audience's eye through the image from one point of interest to another. Unless you're using it deliberately to create an effect make sure walls are perpendicular and the horizon straight. A door frame or wall at an angle can be quite disoreintating. Putting all the electric lights on enhances the atmosphere and creates a warm image. Table lights etc, usually look better even in daylight when they're lit. Candles should also be lit if they are present. Lighting I use a variety of techniques. Here are some: Studio or off camera flash for fill light balanced with daylight. I generally always try to pho...
This blog is about Paul Indigo's views on life and photography.